what we do

Once married we began praying into the desire that we both have for traveling, for diversity, and for the Lord. It was a deep craving for something that we couldn't seem to satiate. Jesus quickly answered our prayers, revealing the heart of our desires: Cross-Cultural Ministry. We began volunteering at Mission Adelante immediately and haven't been able to walk away since.

David's desire is to do the 3-year Cross-Cultural Apprenticeship program at Mission Adelante, which is composed of ministry mentoring, seminary, and field experience. He currently leads worship at the Spanish church service at Mission Adelante, teaches music lessons to several teenagers, and disciples young men through Teens Adelante.

Brooke is the leader of Teens Adelante, a community of teens and adults focused on building relationships focused on Jesus. After two years, a teen finally asked Brooke what she does. To which she realized it is hard to understand the work of ministry even when you are in it. She spends her few office hours brainstorming, analyzing, setting goals, admin tasks; all around how to introduce Jesus to this group of teenagers and give them a mentor to show them how to build a relationship with Him. All the other hours are where ministry really happens.

As a couple, ministry looks like:

Serving. Opening our home to be a safe and Holy place for building community among teens, volunteers, and families. Opening our lives to demonstrate what it means to follow Jesus. Listening to what our friends need and what they dream for the community. (Trying to) throw all knowledge, pride, and sense of "my _________(fill in the blank)" out the window to let the Lord teach us more about Him through a beautiful culture He created.

Sharing Life. Celebrating life together; Quinceaneras (coming of age celebration), family birthday parties, getting tacos, baby showers, soccer games, jam sessions at the house. Having fun at Teens Adelante. It also means mourning together; answering the door and sitting down to listen to parents in a crisis situation or pray with a teen who stopped by with a heavy heart. It is stopping what was planned in order to go talk to a family about their daughter hurting herself or to reconcile two teens to each other.

Seeking Jesus.  Bringing Jesus into all relationships by physical presence, encouragement, prayer, and Bible study. It just happens when Jesus lives in you and you live among the people He loves.

After volunteering with Mission Adelante, we moved to the Kansas City, Kansas neighborhood August of 2010. We are continuously raising financial and prayer support so that Brooke can continue to lead Teens Adelante and David can continue and grow his vision through beginning an apprenticeship with Mission Adelante.