We split up into two groups; one for those who wanted to hike on the trail through the woods, and the rest who wanted to play their favorite sport, FUTBOL! (soccer)
I of course was proud of the four girls who were adventurous enough to try something new, and followed me into the woods. I have to admit it wasn't as peaceful and quiet as I expected it to be. The four girls were a bit louder than my old beagle, who is usually my hiking partner. One of the girls was holding my arm as we went into the woods, afraid of animals and bugs, but slowly let go of me as we went on. The part I was waiting for was when we finally took a break, and she sat down on the ground, picking at everything around her. "EWWW WHAT is that!." It was moss.
She was shocked to discover moss growing on a rock. The other adult and I taught her about it and she was amazed that something could grow like that. She then proceeded to beat it with a stick and scrape it all off; delighted. She then found a leaf she loved, which she decided to take home, followed by a hedge apple, acorns...you get the idea. The beauty and intrigue of God's creation began to speak to her and it was wonderful and hilarious to watch.
This is the girl, who one week earlier, myself and two other adults had to confine her to the kitchen, to confront the awful behavior that she was having towards all the adults, as well as her peers. She had just been moved up from the Kids Program, and wasn't excited about facing the much deeper challenges we pose to the Teens Adelante community. She was begging to go home, disobeying, judging all the other kids, and creating tension in the group. We left her with a choice that day. She could apologize to all the adults, accept the love that a new group of people are trying to give her, change her attitude, and stay with us this trimester. Or, she could not come back.
This is the second time this fall that I have seen the empowerment that is given when a child has to make a choice like this. It gives them ownership, and a chance to face their fears head on. Honestly, there was a part of me that just wanted her to go home, I wanted to just give into the temptation to do what the enemy wants done to her. But under the wing of an amazing Kids Director and a wonderful graceful God, I was able to see the truth beneath her behavior. This girl is afraid of peope leaving. She is afraid of change. She is afraid that we would see her, and then not love her.
She chose to stay. She had a great time. When we came out of the woods we were walking towards the group that remained and she whispered "Don't tell them I had fun." I thought it was funny, but then I realized she was serious; that she loves playing the miserable teenager card. I am excited to see her grow into a young woman, in the confidence of Christ's love. I am looking forward to the miserable teenager face losing the battle to her big, warm smile.
What a graceful God...that when we are ugly and nasty and spiteful and bitter, He still loves us. When we are hateful to others, when we turn from him, when we are angry, when we are lonely, when we have pushed everyone away that He has given us, He has compassion on us. He sees our fears, He sees our heart, not our behavior. I pray tonight that I can see through their behavior to their hearts, always. Just like He does.

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